2 Locations for Iris Photography
Frankfurt am Main
Nürnberg, Old Town
Iris photography in the Rhine/Main area: our new studio in downtown Frankfurt am Main conveniently located just walking distance from the Central Station. Please schedule an appointment as our studio is not always open. Come visit us for premium iris photography in Frankfurt.
Foto Hirsch | iris-fotografie-frankfurt
Schleusenstraße 9
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Iris-Photography in Nürnberg: our new studio in Nürnberg Old Town is open. Here we will do iris photography as well as other photo shoots. Appointments on request. Visit us for premium iris photography in Nürnberg.
Foto Hirsch | iris-fotografie-nürnberg
Wespennest 9
90403 Nürnberg
Write us!
Appointments, feedback, praise or your concerns,,,…
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Robert Szarvas
Contact US
Imprint / Corporate Information
The domain iris-fotografie-frankfurt.de is brought to you by Foto Hirsch UG.
Foto Hirsch UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Sauererlenstr. 42
65824 Schwalbach am Taunus
E-Mail: info@fotohirsch.de
Web: fotohirsch.de
Mobil: +49 151 2882 0404
represented by: Robert Szarvas
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Schwalbach am Taunus
USt. ID: DE323950074
HRB Königstein 10168
Inhaltlich verantworlich nach § 55 Absatz 2 RStV:
Robert Szarvas
Eingetragen in die Handwerksrolle der
Handwerkskammer Frankfurt-Rhein-Main
* all pictures on this website have been created by Foto Hirsch UG. The Copyright lies with the creator. The images may not be downloaded or used by third parties.
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