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iris photography

The premium photographer for iris photography in Frankfurt am Main and Nürnberg!
Meet us soon at your local AAFES in Ramstein and Stuttgart. More to come.

iris photography

take a look at our short intro video to iris photography to get a quick glimpse of what awaits you.. sorry – it’s only available in German.

the Foto Hirsch team is looking forward to shooting with you!

Foto Hirsch stands for...


Unser Herz schlägt für Fotografie und rundum zufriedene Kunden. 


Bei Foto Hirsch hast Du jederzeit einen Ansprechpartner – im Studio vor Ort und per Telefon / E-Mail. Alle Wünsche werden persönlich beim Shooting besprochen.


Wir sind Profis und nutzen unsere Erfahrung sowie das beste Equiptment, um Dir überragende Ergebnisse zu liefern. Unsere Bilder sprechen für sich!


Foto Hirsch macht Iris Fotografie zum besonderen Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Shooting, Service und Bilder werden den höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht.


Wir lieben Details! Daher shooten wir mit 61 MP – häufig 2x so viel wie unsere Mitbewerber. In der Nachbearbeitung wird aus Deiner Iris ein echtes Meisterstück.


Unsere Preise sind transparent für jedermann einsehbar und,  Bezogen auf unsere Premium-Leistungen und die Qualität der Produkte, absolut fair.  


 Als kleines Dankeschön für Deine Google-Bewertung pflanzen wir einen Baum. Wir arbeiten in allen Studios digital – Deine Rechnung kommt papierlos per E-Mail.

The Voice of Our customers

creating art from your eye

A close-up photograph of an iris, showing the vibrant colors and intricate patterns. The image is in sharp focus, and the details of the iris are clearly visible.

1. take a good picture

Everything begins with the picture we take. The shot must be perfect because final result depends on the initial image quality! Perspactive / Angle, lighting,  focus and reflections all need to be accounted for.

This is a bit complicated, as the model being photogtraphed – your iris – is constantly in movement. Even if you are trying your best to remail still like a stone.

As soon as we get that perfect shot, we are done and can proceed.

On to step 2… 

Mike Stuart

2. professional Post-Processing

Once the picture is captured and you are already on the way back home our second job begins. Post Processing. Our job gets so much more difficult as not all  images are as perfect as this one.

In our own proprietary multi-step process, we will professionally enhance each taken image to make sure that all details of your iris are visible. We use a combination of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to make these adjustments.

When seen in this level of detail, your eye often reveals many hidden features that you have never spotted before while looking into a mirror.

On to step 3…

A screenshot of the Lightroom interface, showing the adjustments and tools used for editing iris photographs. The iris is in sharp focus, and the vibrant colors and intricate patterns are clearly visible.
Eine Reihe von Makroaufnahmen von menschlichen Iris in verschiedenen Farben und Mustern. Die Aufnahmen sind scharf und zeigen die feinen Details und die lebendigen Farben der Iris.

3. Download & Order

As soon as your iris photo has finished processing we will upload it to a secure online gallery. Only you will have access, which we will send you be email.

From the online gallery, you can download the image, share it directly on social media as well as order fine art prints and artwork to hang up at home. Our professional lab „made in Germany“ pritns on Acryl, Aluminium-Composite, Aluminium, Photo-Canvas or PVC Board.
After you order directly through your gallery we will transmit the order to our photo lab.

On to step 4…


Mike Stuart